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Muscle Testing

Applied kinesiology is the application of testing muscles discovered by Dr George Goodheart in 1964.  


It is a non invasive method of assessing the function of the various systems in the body. Using the way a muscle responds as a yardstick, the function of the lymphatic system, the vascular system, the digestive system etc can be assessed.  


Muscle testing reveals systemic, structural and bio-chemical imbalances which can be rectified with many different Kinesiological techniques.


Muscle testing does not assess strength, but tests the integrity of the many factors which determine its response when called upon to contract. If you think of a simple electrical circuit with a fuse - if the fuse is blown it will not work at all - if the fuse is the wrong rating it will blow the circuit or work erratically. By fitting the correct fuse the circuit will work to its best ability. Systematic Kinesiology works the same way using muscle testing.

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why visit kinesiologist?

Kinesiology takes the guesswork out of healthcare.  It shows us where to look and what to look for.  Your body will show us what it needs through the muscle response.

Kinesiology testing does not diagnose disease, it enables analysis which detects minor functional imbalances.  When minor imbalances are not corrected they can accumulate and cause compensations, these compensations compound each other leading to functional changes and discomfort.

Using lymphatic massage, nutrition and contact points, Kinesiology helps with: emotions and anxieties, structural imbalances and energy blocks. Kinesiology balances the whole person, which enhances health and well-being.

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